
What is the Java(programming language)

won5683 2024. 9. 22. 03:26

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995. It is widely used for building enterprise-scale applications, mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps, and games.

Object-Oriented Nature of Java
Java is fundamentally an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means it organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.


Java uses classes to define objects, with each object representing an instance of a class. This modular structure allows for better reusability, scalability, and ease of maintenance.


Core principles of OOP in Java include encapsulation (hiding object internals and exposing only necessary functionality), inheritance (extending the functionality of existing classes), polymorphism (objects can behave differently based on their type), and abstraction (hiding complex implementation details). OOP helps developers create large systems with simpler maintenance and updates by promoting code reuse.

Platform Independence
One of Java’s standout features is its platform independence. When you write Java code and compile it, the output is not machine-specific.


Instead, Java code is compiled into bytecode, which can run on any device that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is summarized by the motto “write once, run anywhere” (WORA).


JVMs are available for most operating systems, allowing Java applications to be deployed across a wide variety of platforms without modification. This feature makes Java ideal for enterprise environments where applications need to run on various devices, from desktops and servers to mobile phones and embedded systems.

Java emphasizes reliability and robustness through features like automatic garbage collection, strong memory management, and extensive exception handling mechanisms.


Java automatically manages memory using a built-in garbage collector, which eliminates the need for developers to manually free memory (as required in languages like C or C++).


Java also checks for runtime errors with a robust system of exceptions, allowing programs to handle unexpected issues gracefully rather than crashing. Furthermore, Java enforces strong typing, meaning data types must be explicitly declared, reducing the likelihood of certain kinds of bugs.


This focus on safety and reliability makes Java a preferred choice for critical applications.

Multithreading in Java
Java has built-in support for multithreading, which allows multiple threads (smallest units of a process) to execute concurrently within a program.


This means Java applications can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, improving performance and responsiveness, especially for complex or time-consuming processes.


Java's java.lang.Thread class provides methods to create and control threads. The ability to create multithreaded applications makes Java suitable for large-scale, performance-intensive applications like gaming engines, web servers, and real-time systems.


Additionally, Java provides synchronization mechanisms to prevent issues like race conditions, ensuring data consistency when multiple threads access shared resources.

Security Features in Java
Java was designed with security in mind, making it a strong choice for networked environments. One of its most notable features is the Java sandbox, a restricted environment in which applets (small Java programs running within a web browser) run, preventing them from performing potentially harmful operations, like accessing the file system. 


Java’s Security Manager enforces security policies, controlling what system resources Java code can access. Java also includes features like cryptography libraries and digital signatures, which enable secure data transmission. Additionally, the bytecode verifier ensures that the bytecode doesn’t perform any unsafe operations before it runs on the JVM.

High Performance
Despite being an interpreted language, Java achieves high performance through several techniques. Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation allows parts of the Java code to be compiled into native machine code at runtime, improving performance by avoiding repeated interpretation.


The JVM also incorporates adaptive optimizations that optimize code execution based on runtime data. While Java is not as fast as fully compiled languages like C++, it strikes a balance between performance and portability.


Java's performance is also enhanced by its efficient memory management and advanced garbage collection algorithms, which minimize memory leaks and optimize the usage of available resources.

Dynamic and Extensible Nature
Java is a dynamic and extensible language that allows for changes and additions to be made without breaking existing systems. Java supports dynamic linking of libraries, meaning that new classes and methods can be loaded at runtime rather than at compile time. 


This flexibility makes it easier to update or extend applications without requiring a full recompilation. Java also supports reflection, which allows a program to examine and modify the structure of objects at runtime. 


Java’s extensibility is further demonstrated in its large ecosystem of frameworks and libraries, which can be integrated into Java applications with minimal effort, providing extra functionality.

Java SE (Standard Edition)
Java SE is the most widely used edition of Java, providing the core libraries and tools required to develop general-purpose desktop, server-side, and embedded applications.


It includes basic libraries for input/output, networking, data structures, and utilities like java.lang, java.util, and java.io. Java SE also provides the Java Development Kit (JDK), which includes tools such as the Java compiler (javac), runtime environment (java), and utilities like javadoc.


Java SE is the foundation for all other Java editions, and its APIs serve as the building blocks for most Java applications, from simple command-line tools to complex enterprise systems.

Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
Java EE extends Java SE with a set of APIs designed for building large-scale, distributed, multi-tiered applications typically used in enterprises.


It includes frameworks for web development, such as Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), and supports enterprise-level services like EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), JPA (Java Persistence API), and Web Services.


Java EE is commonly used for creating robust, scalable, and secure applications in sectors like banking, e-commerce, and healthcare. With built-in tools for handling tasks such as transaction management, security, and messaging, Java EE simplifies the development of complex, business-critical systems.

Java ME (Micro Edition)
Java ME is a version of Java designed for developing applications for resource-constrained devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, and embedded systems.


It provides a subset of Java SE features, optimized for small devices with limited processing power and memory. Java ME applications are commonly found in feature phones, smart cards, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices.


It provides libraries and APIs specifically tailored for mobile application development, including user interface elements, persistence storage, and network connectivity. Although Java ME has declined in popularity due to the rise of smartphones, it remains relevant in embedded systems and some IoT applications.

JavaFX is a modern, rich-client platform used for building desktop applications and internet applications with engaging user interfaces.


It is an alternative to the older Swing framework and offers more sophisticated tools for creating rich media applications, with support for 2D and 3D graphics, audio, and video.


JavaFX applications are built using an XML-based language called FXML and can be styled with CSS-like stylesheets. JavaFX is designed to replace Swing as the standard GUI library for Java and is commonly used for applications that require a more interactive, multimedia-oriented user experience, such as video games and graphical tools.

Java Development Kit (JDK)
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is the development environment used to build Java applications. It includes all the necessary tools for compiling, running, and debugging Java code. 


The most important components of the JDK are the Java compiler (javac), which converts source code into bytecode, and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which provides the necessary libraries and JVM for running Java programs. 


The JDK also includes utilities such as javadoc for generating documentation from source code comments, and jar for packaging Java classes and resources into JAR files. Different versions of the JDK are available for different platforms, making Java truly cross-platform.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a part of the JDK that is required to run Java applications. It includes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and essential libraries but does not contain development tools like the compiler.


The JRE provides everything needed to run pre-compiled Java programs on any device or platform that supports Java. Users typically install the JRE on their machines to run Java applications, while developers install the JDK for both development and runtime purposes.


The JRE ensures that Java applications are executed in a consistent manner across different operating systems and environments.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
The JVM is the core component of Java’s platform independence. When Java code is compiled, it is converted into bytecode, which the JVM interprets and executes. 


The JVM abstracts away the specifics of the underlying hardware and operating system, enabling Java applications to run on any platform that supports a JVM.


Additionally, the JVM includes features such as automatic garbage collection, which helps manage memory allocation and deallocation, and runtime optimization techniques like JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, which converts bytecode into native machine code to improve execution speed.


The JVM also handles security and ensures that Java code adheres to platform-specific requirements.

Java’s OOP Principles
Java’s object-oriented programming (OOP) model is structured around four key principles: Encapsulation (bundling data with the methods that operate on the data), Inheritance (defining new classes based on existing ones), Polymorphism (allowing objects to be treated as instances of their parent class, with method behaviors varying based on the actual object), and Abstraction (exposing only necessary components to the outside world).


OOP encourages the reuse of existing code, facilitates modularity, and improves the maintainability of large software systems. In Java, every object is an instance of a class, and classes can inherit properties and behaviors from other classes to create hierarchical relationships.

